Father’s Day: Celebrating Deep Conversations with Dad

Rag Brahmbhatt
2 min readJun 14, 2019


Photo by Derek Thomson on Unsplash

Hello, fathers and future fathers (and mothers and future mothers and children and future children)!

Thanks to all the brands out there, it has come to my notice that Father’s Day is around the corner. I never get why most things are around the corner. Just come out and face me, will you? Anyway, watching some touching ads about Father’s Day (like “If you have father, buy this product” or “Resent our competitors’ products the same way your father resents you”) left an enormous void inside me. I realized I hadn’t used ‘Father’s Day’ to sell anything. And so I started writing this.

‘What is the best way to celebrate Father’s Day?’ I thought to myself.
‘Well! First, you need to grow up!’ My father replied, in my thoughts.

And that is when I realized, I should write about my deeply emotional and profoundly uplifting conversations with my dad to celebrate this Father’s Day. But on account of having zero memories of any such conversations with my dad (ever), I shall just post our textual conversations for you to relish.

Dad: Good Morning!
Me: Good Morning!

Dad: Good Morning!
Me: Good Morning!

Dad: Good Morning!
Me: Good Morning!
Dad: Can you go to the bank?
Me: Yes.

Dad: Good Morning!
Me: Good Morning!
Dad: Did you go to the bank?
Me: No. I will go today. I was busy.
Dad: Why were you busy? You don’t even have a job.
Dad: ??

Dad: Good Morning!
Me: Good Morning!
Dad: Who is this in your profile picture with you?
Me: Umm. That is Mom?!?
Dad: Nice.


Dad: Good Morning!
Me: Good Morning!
Dad: What is the password for Wi-Fi?
Me: It’s BUSYGUY69
Dad: Ok.
Dad: Did you go to the bank?
Me: Today is Sunday.
Dad: Good. Sunday fun day!
Me: Haha! Yes. What plans do you have today?
Dad: We are going to the temple.

Dad: Good Morning!
Me: Good Morning!
Dad: Did you go to the bank?
Dad: ??

And this is the purest form of love that I have ever received. I love my dad and if he was your dad, you would love him too. I mean who else is going to give you all their bank details and ask you to go to the bank several times a week?

The point I am trying to make is that you should love anyone who gives you their bank details.

Love you, Dad!

P.S. I did go to the bank.
P.P.S. That is not my real WiFi password.



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